
Short Stories and True Adventures


Heather Rath


Title: Stalker - Short Stories and True Adventures
Author: Heather Rath
Softcover ISBN
9781998938049 / $19.95 US
Hardcover ISBN 9781998938056 / $39.95 U
($24.95 CDN softcover / $45.95 CDN hardcover)

Fiction: Horror short stories / Horror / Occult
Specs: 200 pages, 5.5x8.5" Available now to order
Available from Ingram and Gazelle (and others)



Stalker invites the reader to take a journey into two worlds: the dark and light sides of life. Frightening, suspenseful moments in award-winning short stories co-exist with true-life adventure vignettes: a blend of truth and fiction. The stories explore the mind’s hidden fears and desires while the vignettes deliver a slice of reality, sometimes with unexpected conclusions. They are snapshots of experiences in different cultures through the eyes -- and writings – of an insightful world traveller.


"Heather Rath is fascinated with unexpected endings... Stalker features many of those…"

- Julie Slack, Burlington Today


More praise for Stalker:


"Heather Rath’s short stories… veer off into the surreal and the macabre using sex and suspense… We want to look away but at the same time we crave more."

- Lynn Tait author of You Break It You Buy It


"Crafted with sharp, dark turns… Heather's prize winning fiction will tease and titillate your imagination." - Peter Snow, Ph.D. journalist and filmmaker


"Heather Rath is a skilled writer whose work is always engaging. Her short fiction pieces are tightly constructed and well-paced, and often deliver an unexpected shock…intriguing fiction, lively memoir and enjoyable travel accounts is entertaining and informative. Don't miss it!"

- Marlyn Horsdal, author, Sweetness from Ashes